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Sunday, March 9, 2025


Is Sleeping with the Lights On Good or Bad?

As a child, you might remember hearing “lights out” as a way to tell you it was time to go to bed. Having the lights off at bedtime is much more than a common bedtime phrase, though. In fact, the decision to turn out the lights, or leave them on, could affect your health. Yet...

Hypertension (Risk Factors & Complications)

Risk factors High blood pressure has many risk factors, including: Age. The risk of high blood pressure increases as you age. Until about age 64, high blood pressure is more common in men. Women are more likely to develop high blood pressure after age 65. Race. High blood pressure is particularly common among people of African heritage,...

Hypertension (Symptoms & Causes)

Overview High blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease. Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in...

Super Healthy Foods (Fish & Sea Food)

Fish and other seafood tend to be very healthy and nutritious. They’re especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, two nutrients in which most people are deficient. Studies show that people who eat the highest amounts of seafood — especially fish, tend to live longer and have a lower risk of many illnesses, including heart disease,...

Super Healthy Foods (Vegetables)

Calorie for calorie, vegetables are among the world’s most concentrated sources of nutrients. There’s a wide variety available, and it’s best to eat many different types every day. 1. Asparagus Asparagus is a popular vegetable. It’s low in both carbs and calories but loaded with vitamin K. 2. Bell peppers Bell peppers come in several colors, including red, yellow, and...